Our center in a few words
The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Tonneins reopened on july 2020 after 3 years of closing. It was then reorganised with a new association which manages the center with 2 employees, a team of volunteers and many trainees. Our center took care of 1678 animals in 2022 and 1470 in 2023 (raptors, passerines, small mammals and reptiles from our local wildlife) and released most of them back in their natural environment. Our center is located in Ferron park in Tonneins city in France. It is settled on a 7000 square meters large land which belongs to the city. It is equiped with approximately 30 aviaries, mostly adapted to the flight rehabilitation. The longest is 48 meters long and two of them are equiped with water pool especially designed to aquatic animals like otters, herons, ...
Our rehabilitation center belongs to the Wildlife rehabilitation centers network.
Some news about us
February 9th 2025 :
For the last months, our website couldn't be updated and we are still looking for a new webmaster. Meanwhile you can still follow our last news on our Facebook page.
April 6th 2024 :
On the occasion of the General Assembly of the center held at 3pm, the activity report of the center for the year 2023 was presented by Stéphan. Find it in open access in the footer of our site. The 2022 report remains accessible in Our Association page.
A new member joined the Board, Amandine Rachenne. We thank her for her commitment to our centre.
The financial difficulties of the center remain a concern but the whole team doubles its efforts to work on the rationalization of operating costs, to find new revenues, while maintaining our business in accordance with our commitments and values. All help is welcome.
On this occasion, a very interesting exchange took place with 2 members of our Centre also representatives of a Group of action fox-badger. Find out what they are doing here: Fox-Badger group
We also take this opportunity to speak about the vote of the Citizens' Initiative 47 which will soon be open. Our association is not in the running but it is a great opportunity for the inhabitants of our district to support the projects that are important to them. You will of course find some on the theme of biodiversity and environment like for example the one carried by our colleagues from SEPANLOG association. You can find all the information here: Citizens' Initiative 47
Finally a last word to tell you that you will have the occasion to meet us during the Nature Festival organized by the Twinning Committee Bantzenheim/ Gontaud. Come and meet 2 of our directors at our booth on Sunday, April 28th morning. A raffle for our benefit is also organized. All information by clicking on the image opposite:
December 22th 2023 :
Yesterday we were invited on ARL radio to talk about the Centre’s news. Here is the program’s summary: ARL radio broadcast of Decembre 21st 2023
Decembre 17th 2023 :
This end of year 2023 is rich in news. First of all with the rehabilitation of the greenhouse made to welcome the european otters and the team training to be able to welcome them. And then we had the arrival on Wednesday, December 13 of a cinereous vulture female. At the bottom of the page, you will also find the update of the membership bulletin because it is now time to collect 2024 membership fees. Finally, please note that for the holiday season, the centre will be closed on Monday, December 25th and January 1st.
Find here the letter of October 2023 of the SFEPM which speaks on page 9 of our equipment for the reception of otters: PNA Echo nbr 15

All News :
All news about our center are available on our Facebook page. Feel free to consult it by following the link at the bottom of the page.
They are helping us
Since the reopening of our center in 2020, approximately 30% of our operating costs have been covered by donation and registration of people from civil society. We really thank each of our contributors because without them our center could not operate the same way.
We thank as well our private and public supports who made possible the reopenning of our center and financed necessary renovations of our equipments.
Finally we thank all public administrations which supported our operating costs for years. Find all their news directly on their websites by clicking on their following respective logos: